Eszter Sziksz

Eszter Sziksz is a Hungarian artist who has traveled and lived in several countries across Asia and Europe. Her work combines printmaking, installation, and video elements, and has been exhibited at regional and international levels, from Tokyo to Budapest. Her works have been displayed at various prestigious venues including the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, NJ; Santorini Art Biennial in Greece; International Artists Collective Museo del Brigantaggio in Itri, Italy; Ice Hotel in Sweden; Krakow International Print Triennial in Poland; IMPACT10 in Spain; and IPCNY (International Print Center New York) and the Sarasota Art Museum. Eszter's works have been featured on the cover of Art in Print Magazine of Volume 7, number 6 as the Prix de Print No. 28 Award winner and the British Printmaking Today magazine.

After obtaining a BA from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, she completed her MFA in Studio Arts at Memphis College of Art. She received a DLA in Fine Arts from Pecsi Tudomany Egyetem in Pecs, Hungary in 2018. Sziksz has recently been awarded grants from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, The Puffin Foundation, and the MOZAIK Philanthropy. Her prints are part of collections at institutions such as Pecsi Tudomany University in Hungary; Memphis College of Art’s Presidential Purchase Collection; Szent Istvan Museum in Szekesfehervar, Hungary; University of North Florida; Santorini Biennial of Arts in Greece; and the International Artists Collective Museo del Brigantaggio in Itri, Italy.


2” x 2” x 2”
Photo inside the eggshell


November 3rd

6" x 4" x 1"
Time-based video in an infinity frame, melting printed ice