Keith Crowley

Keith Crowley was born in an unremarkable suburban borough located a short distance from Philadelphia. He completed most of his education at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and after graduating spent the next 14 years living and maintaining a studio in Philadelphia. While living in Philadelphia, Keith worked as a Preparator in many capacities, but spent 10 years working at the Princeton University Art Museum. Since 2015, he has maintained a painting practice in Sarasota and is the Senior Preparator at the Ringling Museum of Art.

“While spending time with the paintings, my sincere hope is that the paintings stir memories that might be long forgotten. Interstitial spaces between where we intend to go, or that we may have only glanced at while stopped at a traffic light often yield the greatest value. Color layering is the primary means to achieve this sense of place. The most compelling imagery often arrives during encounters with the familiar.”

Early Evening (Mid-Summer)

Oil on steel panel



Light Study,” Late Afternoon”, (South Lido)

Oil on Steel panel

9” x 7”



Keith Crowley, Light Study, Mid-July (Sarasota Bay),

Watercolor on museum rag board


6” ¼” x 6 1/4”